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So, you want to earn money online by blogging
Here is the simple step by step guide how to make money online by blogging:
There are 5 steps to make money by blogging:
1. Setting your own blog.
2. Building content on your own blog.
3. Build traffic on your blog.
4. Apply for Google adsense or other PCC (pay per click) publishing program.
5. Make money online.
1. Setting your own blog:-
- If you want to make money with Google adsense or by blogging, you should have a blog. If you don’t have a blog, create it at or Wordpress will be better for you.
- Think about a topic you have passion with. Also, it is better for you if you have a good knowledge about that topic. It is your niche and you are going to write several articles about your niche. Also, make sure your niche has good volume of searches. And advertisers are paying well for your niche.
If you are still in confusion, below are the high searched and high paying niches.
Home loan
Equity loan
Rapid prototyping
Help desk software
Weight loss
Make money online
- You can use to research about your niche.
- Buy a domain name: - It is a URL address of your blog. Now Google do not accept free web hosted sites or free blogs in Adsense programs. So, you should buy a cheap domain name. it should be like this .you can buy a domain name for $5 to $10 for a whole year. Your domain name should be match with your niche. For an example, if your niche is weight loss than your domain name should be like these:
2. Building content on your blog: -
Google do not accept 1 or 2 page blog. So, you should write at least 20 articles and post them on your blog. Articles should be your own and unique. After that you should post a few articles every week. If you have lack of time, chose Sunday to write articles. It is better for you if you post 5 articles every week. Google easily accept content rich blogs for adsense program.
3. Building traffic on your blog: - It is most important part for your blogging earning.
# Write a few articles daily and submit them on, and with a backlink of your blog. By this you will get long term traffic.
# Submit your blog on top search engines, Google and Yahoo. And apply all SEO (Search Engine Optimism) tools; it will increase your page rank. Remember search engines are great sources for free and huge traffic. If you are not familiar with SEO, you can download lots of free SEO ebooks and software on Inernet. Just type ‘free SEO books and software’ on Google.
# Submit your blog on lots of blog directories.
# Join online forums and write some forums with a backlink of your blog.
# Use social networking sites for getting traffic. Create so many accounts on social networking sites and make as many friends as you can. Join communities on social networking sites those are related to your niche.
# Use free classifieds to post ads about your blog.
Also, there are other hundreds of traffic generating ways. Want to know more
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4. Apply for Google adsense or other PCC (pay per click) publishing program: - Go to and signup for your adsense account. If you do above things correctly, you will get an approval email in 2 to 3 days. After that you will get codes of Google ads. You should place those codes on eye catching portion of your blog.
Want to know how to make sure to get approve for adsense?
Want to know which are the best places and ad formats for your Google ads?
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If you do not get approve for adsense, do above things again. And after that if you do not get approve again, you can use other good PCC publishing program.
Here are the top 10 adsense alternatives:
Ad Brite
Microsoft Pub Center beta
Yahoo Publisher Network
5. Make Money Online: - Google place ads only those are related to your niche. So, if your blog is related to weight loss than your Google ads will be related to weight loss. After that whenever any visitor click on your Google ads, you will get a few cents to a few dollar in your adsense account. And when your account reaches to $100, you will be sent check in your mailing address.
Some high paying keywords of 2009 are:
Home loan $9.02
Fireproof file cabinets $8.82
CRM software & solutions $7.50
First aid kits $6.00
Help desk software $5.25
Enterprise content management $6.39
Equity loan $5.33
How much money can you make?
It depends on so many factors
How much are you willing to make money by blogging?
Placing of your Google ads
How much traffic you have
A lot of people are making $1000 to $2000 easily every month.
So, now you can
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